We Back The Bond

See why community members are supporting the Dumas ISD Bond.

You can too.


I’m voting yes because this is an investment in present and future students as well as an investment in this community of which I’ve called home for a good portion of my life.

Heather Sauer

RN—DHS Nurse—parent

I’m voting yes because this is an investment in present and future students as well as an investment in this community of which I’ve called home for a good portion of my life.

Darrell Wait

Sr. Pastor

I support this bond! I support safety and education of our kids! I support our community!!!

Cindy Bennett Rhoades

I personally endorse the bond because I feel many of the existing schools are beyond their useable life span and need to be replaced. I also look at it from an economic development standpoint because one of the things potential companies that are looking to relocate look at is educational facilities and healthcare availability for their employees. We need quality educational opportunities for our future community leaders and part of that is safe and up to date classrooms.

Carl Watson

Executive Director, Dumas/Moore County Chamber of Commerce

After touring our school facilities I believe it is time to renew our elementary school buildings, and provide better spaces for our fine arts and welding students. We have gotten incredible mileage from the existing spaces, but with major infrastructures at end of life (plumbing) and at maximum available capacity (electrical) now is the right time to start again with new, modern buildings for another 60-70 year life and better meet the needs of our students in an improved teaching environment.

Greg Thompson

Director Central Maintenance & Parent, Valero Energy Corp.

I Back the Bond! As I toured and studied the District’s facilities, I was shocked at how bad the infrastructure is and how inadequate our learning spaces are. Our buildings have served us well but it is time to address the conditions our students are learning in. A vote YES on November 5th will positively impact our students for generations to come!

Jori Buchenau

Pastor & Parent

The children of Dumas ISD need your support in voting yes for the 2019 Dumas ISD Bond. I was given the opportunity to tour all campuses in the district and saw everything from cramped classrooms, failing energy systems, outdated electrical panels, insufficient space for the arts, inadequate space for trades programs and outdated physical education areas. Our children deserve better and this is our chance to make that investment. Please support the school bond by voting Yes!The children of Dumas ISD need your support in voting yes for the 2019 Dumas ISD Bond. I was given the opportunity to tour all campuses in the district and saw everything from cramped classrooms, failing energy systems, outdated electrical panels, insufficient space for the arts, inadequate space for trades programs and outdated physical education areas. Our children deserve better and this is our chance to make that investment. Please support the school bond by voting Yes!

Cassie Hataway

Community Relations Manager, JBS

The early 1950’s found our community with the need to build three elementary schools and that challenge was met in two years. Sunset was built the first year, folllowed by Morningside and Green Acres the second year. Today, after 60+ years, we as a community have the same challenge to build three new elementary schools along with capital improvements at the Junior High and High School. The current elementary schools have been well maintained, but serious infrastructure issues create an urgency for action to provide a quality learning environment for our children.

A “YES” vote is a vote for a quality learning environment!

Larry Appel

Retired Superintendent, Dumas ISD

Our schools are in dire need of replacing. They look good from the outside but the internal operating systems need major work done on them.

Phil Guerra

Asst. Superintendent for Personnel, Dumas ISD

We need to back this for our children and our community

Margaret Parsons

Endorse the Bond